I look back and realize my last post was in mid-March. Where has the time gone. The past few weeks are a blur of activity and stress. There have been worries and numerous mini-crises in our business. My husband injured his knee and had surgery last week, from which he is recovering slowly. There have been family issues to deal with, as well as the happier family celebrations of St. Patrick's Day and Easter, which involved much planning and cooking. This past weekend we held a baby shower for my daughter-in-law -- my new baby grandson is due at the end of May -- another lovely celebration which required many hours of planning, shopping, flower arranging, gift wrapping, etc. As always, my daily routine of running our business and tending my precious granddaughter is labor-intensive.
And, always lingering on the fringes of my consciousness was the necessity of raking the old leaf mulch off my flower gardens. Usually I have accomplished this chore well before April 1, but this year March's weather was not propitious for garden work. Each weekend I have compared the weather forecast and my hectic schedule and put off the gardening for another time.
Finally yesterday afternoon the sun was shining, the temperatures were in the 50's, the baby shower was over, Alivia had gone home with her Daddy, and the gorgeous purple and white crocuses standing straight as soldiers through the leaf mulch called to me. After dinner, I spent a couple of hours painstakingly raking out flower beds. Then, after another long and stressful day, this afternoon I worked for another two hours to complete the project.
What a huge sense of relief I feel tonight. There is still much work to be done; the lawn needs to be raked, and all of the fallen branches and twigs need to be gathered. The porch and deck need to be swept, and all the garden furniture must come out. The pond needs tending. But, that will be accomplished in due time. Most importantly, the baby plants are now uncovered and basking in the spring sunshine.
My hope is that there will be a time in my life when I am retired and can leisurely complete these gardening chores. Instead of marathon raking and weeding sessions, I will be able to head out in the morning with a cup of coffee and slowly and methodically work in the garden, savoring the pleasure of working this beloved earth.
But, for tonight, I am grateful that this chore is finished, and that in the process I enjoyed the fresh spring air and sunshine, the sweet spring songs of the birds, the laughter of the neighbor children playing together, and the rebirth of my precious flowers and trees. Each little green shoot is a promise of life and beauty to come, and my soul is soothed by the experience.
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