There are times in life when weeks slide past us in a blur. These can be periods of joy and happiness or of stress and worry. April and early May have been chaotic for me. There has barely been time to ponder one moment before another hurried into the forefront. Finally, this morning, I had some time to myself, and, of course, I headed to the garden to slow down and gather my thoughts a bit.
There is a natural rhythm to the seasons and in the garden. Sometimes when life is filled with craziness it is important to revisit nature -- to recapture this rhythm which has gone asunder in our own lives.
As I look back over the past two months, it is difficult to remember all of the events which have kept me so busy. April began with Easter Sunday brunch, then an overnight hospitalization for my husband, which resulted in doctor visits and tests, followed quickly by a week-long sleepover for my granddaughter while her parents were away. May has brought a baby shower, bridal shower, class reunion, and the funeral of an old friend. Of course, all of the normal daily routines continued, as well as garden clean-up in any spare time. While many of these events were joyful, there have been underlying worries and stresses in my family and those of several of my friends. Stress has been my constant companion.
So, I welcomed this quiet morning. I gathered together my gardening tools and my camera, and set to work -- mindless work, which allows your thoughts to clear as you feel the sunshine on your shoulders, the breeze ruffling the leaves, hear the trickle of the water in the pond, and the birds singing and cavorting in the bird bath. How lovely to see my Bridal Wreath bush, now well over forty-five years old, blooming faithfully again.

I drank in the peaceful little spaces in the garden where St. Francis keeps watch over all of the little creatures who make their homes here. I watered the hanging pots of flowers by the front steps, and the seeds planted here and there during the past couple of weeks. I was excited to find that already my patch of wildflower seeds has sprouted, and the zinnias in the little patch by the mailbox have burst their first tiny leaves through the soil.
I pulled weeds and pruned away a multitude of tiny little maple trees that have taken root. If I let these little maples grow, in no time my yard would be one large maple forest. Working in the garden is often hot, sweaty and tiring work, and by late morning, I was ready for a shower. I took some photos with my always-ready camera, and felt the inner peace that comes with hard work in the beautiful lushness of a garden. Obviously, the worries and stresses that have plagued me these past few weeks have not miraculously resolved, but this quiet morning, working in the lovely surroundings of nature has soothed my soul a bit. My heart feels quiet and at ease.
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